Short Handle EZ-Digger

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Price : $23.38
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  • Easy to use soil digger
  • Unique and versatile
  • Excellent for weeding and cultivating
  • Features a curved blade
  • Handle is made of hardwood


Make your gardening easier with this very versatile tool. Whether you're digging holes, opening and closing rows, loosening soil, or digging weeds, the EZ-Digger can handle it all. EZ-Digger is a unique oriental garden tool that is a spade, trowel, weeder, cultivator and more! Hand forged 7" tapered, curved blade. 5" short hardwood handle. An excellent tool for use in any vegetable or flower garden.

User Testimonial

My sister gave me one of these and it has become my favorite garden tool by far. It is the most versatile tool I've ever used. When I go out into the yard, I grab my garden gloves and the EZ digger every time. I use it for digging, weeding, packing dirt around plants, making holes, breaking up clods, you name it. It seems to take the place of many tools I used to use. We have dozens of incense cedars that pop up every year which I gently dig up with my EZ digger for replanting elsewhere. You won't realize how useful it will be until you own one.
I recommend some bright pink nail polish on the handle so you don't lose it in the yard, one day I lost it TWICE in an hour, it was a horrible feeling to have lost my favorite tool!!
I am an Oregon Master Gardener and I have a great appreciation for simple gardening and the joys of simple tools that just work. I have used many different kinds. I highly recommend this to all gardeners, I can't say enough good about it. (Beware of others that look similar, they are not as strong and don't have the same helpful curve.) I think all garden stores should carry these instead of the plethora of dull trowels and inferior plastic handled diggers. This is the one you want. - By Roberta Hoyt

I have used a tool like this for years. When they wear out (the handle falls off), I buy a new one. I have taken to spray painting the handle with fluorescent orange or pink paint so I don't lose it in the yard. It and my hand loppers and a pair of garden gloves are my main three tools. I use it for planting, weeding, opening bags, prying up rocks. Indestructible iron working part. The weak link is the handle. If you leave it out in the rain, the handle will come off. The moral of that story is don't leave it out in the rain. - By Jeri B

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